Contact Us
Insurance agents requesting a copy of a fire report for one of their insured, should send a stamped self addressed envelope to the station. Please enclose on your letterhead the date and location of the incident that you are requesting a report of along with the name of the party you have insured. Please also include your claim or other reference number in case there is future correspondence between us. We also request that you call the fire station at 608-647-4556 and leave a message of your request, with the details listed above. This will allow us time to have the report printed and ready when the envelope arrives.
Reports will not be emailed, nor will email requests for reports, or requests via the contact us link through this website be taken. The RCFD reserves the right to charge a reasonable copy fee for materials requested.
Richland Center Fire Department
205 East Mill Street
Richland Center, WI 53581
Phone: 608-647-4556
FAX: 608-647-2122
In Case of an Emergency: 9-1-1
To report a controlled burn: